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Review Article

IJMDC. 2023; 7(10): 1402-1406

The impact of lifestyle modification on the management of chronic gout: a systematic review

Mai Saud Nazer.


Gout is a common type of inflammatory arthritis that is associated with poor quality of life. Lifestyle modifications were shown to be effective in managing gout and its associated comorbidities. In this systematic review, it was aimed to assess the impact of lifestyle modifications on the management of gout. The systematic literature was done through the PubMed database during the years 2013 and 2023. The search terms were “Lifestyle” and “Gout”. Afterward, the results were filtered to include the lifestyle factors associated with gout. Overall, 185 studies were obtained from the PubMed database. After the full-text inspection, 174 studies were excluded from the current study. Therefore, only 11 studies met the inclusion criteria for the present systematic review. The current study highlights the importance of lifestyle modifications and dietary interventions in managing gout and preventing its comorbidities. Further studies are recommended to address the effectiveness of lifestyle modifications in managing gout.

Key words: Gout, uric acid, arthritis, lifestyle modification, review.

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