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A correlation of first trimester serum levels of PAPP-A and PlGF with preeclampsia in western Indian population

Jayamol A, Madhusudan Dey.


Preeclampsia till today is a leading cause of serious maternal morbidity as well as maternal mortality. Prevention of preeclampsia is the mainstay of controlling various maternal and fetal complications as cure for it is not available. Early identification of preeclamptic patients is helpful in prevention of serious morbidities. Various biochemical markers were studied for prediction of preeclampsia but the sensitivity and specificity were found to be low. We intend to study the serum levels of pregnancy associated plasma protein-a (PAPP-A) and placental growth factor (PlGF) at 10-14 weeks of period of gestation for early prediction of development of preeclampsia. In a prospective observational study carried out from Aug 2014 to Jul 2016 at a tertiary care hospital where 323 patients participated. Serum levels of PAPP-A and PlGF at 10-14 weeks were collected and followed up till the time of delivery for development of preeclampsia. Incidence of preeclampsia was 6.5%. Maternal characteristics and obstetric factors were comparable in cases and controls. Serum levels of PAPP-A in cases and controls were 14.34 ugm/ml & 18.96 ugm/ml and for PlGF it was 27.86 pg/ml & 38.56 pg/ml respectively. There was statistically significant difference between the cases and controls in serum levels of PAPP-A and PlGF. Low serum levels of PAPP-A and PlGF at 10-14 weeks were observed in patients who developed preeclampsia at later gestation.

Key words: Preeclampsia, PAPP-A, PlGF

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