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Human Relationships in Palliative Care of Cancer Patient: Lived Experiences of Iranian Nurses

Leili Borimnejad, Marjan Mardani Hamooleh, Naimeh Seyedfatemi, Mamak Tahmasebi.


Background: cancer patients require palliative care. Aim: the purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of nurses, who provide palliative care for cancer patients, within the context of Iranian culture. Methods: we conducted a hermeneutic phenomenological study. Semi structured in-depth interviews with 10 nurses were audio taped and transcribed. The transcriptions were then analyzed by Van Manen’s method. Results: one of the most important themes that emerged was “human relationships”, which also contained the subthemes of “comprehensive acceptance” and “psychological support”. Conclusions: the results provide deep understanding of human relationships in palliative care of cancer patients in Iran.

Key words: cancer, Iran, Nurse, Palliative care, Phenomenology.

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