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Case Report

An unusual clinical presentation of dengue infection presenting with acute onset flaccid paraparesis

Saurabh Dawra, Kadloor Satyanand, Romika Dawra.

Cited by 1 Articles

Dengue infection causing acute febrile illness is well known. It also causes a number of complications. However electrolyte dysfunction manifesting as a neurological sequelae is less documented. We report acute hypokalaemic paraparesis in a young patient that occurred during dengue epidemic in 2013 in India. The patient developed flexic type of pure motor weakness in both lower limbs without bladder or bowel involvement, following 2 to 3 days of febrile episode. Higher mental functions were normal. Serum potassium and serum magnesium levels were low; 2.5 mmol/l and 1.5mg/dl respectively. Non-structural protein (NS1)-antigen for dengue was positive. The patient improved rapidly with potassium supplementation. In follow-up, he is doing well.

Key words: Acute Symmetric Flaccid Paraparesis, Hypokalemia, Dengue

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