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Comparative study of ceruminolytic effect of distilled water and 2% para dichlorobenzene.

V M Hemlata Katiyar, Vincent Prasanna, Elango Dhanapal.

Cited by 4 Articles

Background: Cerumen impaction is a common condition encountered in ENT practice. There are many treatment options available for removal of impacted ear wax. The ceruminolytic effect of distilled water and 2% para-dichlorobenzene ear drops has been compared in this study.

Aims & Objective: (1) To compare the ceruminolytic effect of distilled water and commercially available 2% para-dichlorobenzene ear drops; (2) To observe and analyze the complications during the usage of these agents.

Materials and Methods: A total of 103 patients who attended the ENT OPD and were diagnosed to have impacted ear wax completely occluding the ear canal were included in the study. They were divided into two groups – Group D and Group P. Group D patients were advised to use distilled water as ear drops and Group P patients were advised to use commercially available 2% para-dichlorobenzene ear drops. A total of 72 ears were studied in each group. Results: From the results it is clear that using distilled water as ear drops does lead to significantly more complications and pain during removal than 2% Para dichlorobenzene ear drops. The results also point that removal becomes significantly easier when distilled water is used compared to 2% Para dichlorobenzene. No statistically significant difference has been noted in the number of attempts required to achieve complete removal between the two groups.

Conclusion: The results indicate that the usage of distilled water on a regular basis as a ceruminolytic ear drop cannot be recommended.

Key words: Cerumen Impaction; Ceruminolytics; Distilled Water; 2% Para-dichlorobenzene

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