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Variability in Tolerance to Low Soil Phosphorus among Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) Landraces from Northern Nigeria

H.O. Ahmed, A. Aliyu, S. S. Indabo, H. U. Muhammad, S. K. Sakariyahu, A. K. Adamu, 1 M. B. Saba and R. E. Aliyu.


Phosphorus (P) is an important precursor for nitrogen fixation as it initiates nodule formation and enhances rhizobium-legume symbiosis. This study was conducted to (i) evaluate the tolerance of cowpea landraces to low soil P and (ii) assess the correlation among agronomic traits under limited soil P conditions. A total of 420 cowpea genotypes were evaluated using a 20 × 21 alpha lattice design with two replications under high and low soil P conditions. Significant variations (p

Key words: cowpea, yield, landraces, Nigeria, phosphorus, tolerance

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