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Case Report

Med Arch. 2014; 68(1): 65-66

An Unexpected Cause of Hemoptysis: Endobronchial Lipomatous Hamartoma

Nurhan Sarioglu, Alev Susur, Tuncay Goksel, Serpil Paksoy, Fuat Erel.


Hamartomas are the most common benign tumors of the lung. Endobnronchial hamartomas are even rarer and infrequently causes hemoptysis. We report a case of endobronchial hamartoma that was originating from a segment bronchus and invisible in chest X-ray. A 63-year-old man was admitted to hospital with hemoptysis. A CT scan revealed endobronchial mass obstructing anterior bronchus of the right lower lob of the right lung. It wasn’t radiographically presented. Flexible bronchoscopy detected a polypoid mass (1.5x1.0 cm) that arising from the posterior wall of the anterior segment of right lower lob. Histopathologic examination revealed lipoumatous hamartoma. It was resected with an electro-surgical snare. Cryotherapy was applied to residual lesion on surface of the bronchus. The patient was successfully recovered. In conclusion, lipoumatous hamartoma may presented as rare cause of hemoptysis. Endoscopic treatment is safe and currently modality used for select cases.

Key words: Endobronchial hamartoma, hemoptysis, cryotherapy.

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