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Med Arch. 2014; 68(1): 30-33

Complications and Functional Recovery in Treatment of Femoral Shaft Fractures with Unreamed Intramedullary Nailing

Sahmir Sadic, Svemir Custovic, Nedim Smajic, Mirsad Fazlic, Aleksandar Vujadinovic, Asmir Hrustic, Mahir Jasarevic.


Introduction: Fracture of the femoral shaft is a common fracture encountered in orthopedic practice. In the 1939, Küntscher introduced the concept of intramedullary nailing for stabilization of long bone fractures. Intramedullary nailing has revolutionized the treatment of fractures. Material and methods: The study included 37 male patients and 13 female patients, averaged 39±20,5 years (range, 16 to 76 years). Results and discussion: There were 31 left femurs and 21 right femurs fractured. 46 fractures were the result of blunt trauma. Low energy trauma was the cause of fractures in six patients, of which five in elderly females. 49 fractures were closed. Healing time given in weeks was 19,36 ± 6,1. The overall healing rate was 93,6%. There were three (6,25%) major complications nonunion. There were one (2%) delayed union, one (2%) rotational malunion and no infection. The shortening of 1 cm were in two patients. Antercurvatum of 10 degrees was found in one patient. There was no statistically significant reduction of a motion in the hip and knee (p

Key words: fracture, femoris, unreamed, nails, union.

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