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Med Arch. 2014; 68(1): 27-29

Variations in Diameters of Vertebro-basilar Tree in Patients with or with No Aneurysm

Anel Mehinovic, Eldar Isakovic, Jasmin Delic.


Introduction: The morphological anatomy of the posterior circulation is very complex and variable. Aims of this research were to document the morphological anatomy of the posterior circulation along with variations in the Bosnian population, in patients with or without aneurysm. Measurements of the outer diameters of the vertebral artery, basilar artery and posterior cerebral artery were taken. The second aim was to determine the possible relationship between diameters of the area with subsequent aneurysm formation. Material and Methods: The study involved 60 consecutive patients, adults of both sexes, treated in the UKC Tuzla.The patients were divided into two groups. One group consisted of the patients without aneurysm of basilar artery, and the other group of patients with aneurysm. All the 60 patients were treated by means of MRI angiography. Results: The mean diameter of the vertebral artery was 2,43 mm; 3.61 mm on the right and 2,83 mm; 3,94 mm on the left. The diameter of the basilar artery varied from 3, 8 mm; 3, 43 mm. The diameter of the posterior cerebral arteries 2, 5 mm; 2,52 mm on the right and 2,46 mm; 2,62 mm on the left. Conclusions: We have documented the various morphometry variations as well as the differences of the anatomy in this area in Bosnian population as compared to the medicine literature.

Key words: vertebro-basilar tree, aneurysms.

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