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Navigating the depths of digital knowledge: assessing the seas of YouTube for reliable and high-quality information on appendicitis

Ali Muhtaroglu, Furkan Ali Uygur, Kayhan Ozdemir.


Acute appendicitis is one of the most common diseases treated with surgical methods worldwide. This study evaluated the reliability and quality of YouTube video content about appendicitis. To evaluate the reliability and quality of YouTube videos related to appendicitis, this study analyzed the top 100 videos on the subject. The collected data included various characteristics such as image type, video content, length, total views, and engagement metrics such as likes, comments, and daily thoughts. The videos were divided into two groups based on the uploader: those uploaded by physicians and those uploaded by non-physicians. To assess the videos' reliability, the study employed the modified DISCERN tool, which evaluates the source's credibility and the accuracy and completeness of the information provided. Additionally, the study utilized the Global Quality Scale (GQS) to assess the quality of the videos based on various criteria such as clarity, accuracy, and educational value. The mean video length was 12.0±30.49 minutes. The image type was animation in 10 (10%) videos, presentation in 15%, and real in 75%. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups regarding the video characteristics (p>0.05). The mean DISCERN and GQS scores were statistically significantly higher in the physician group than in the non-physician group (p

Key words: Anticholinergic burden score, polypharmacy, comorbidities, length of stay, older adults

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