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Case Report

NMJ. 2013; 2(2): 132-135

Inhalant abuse in adoloscent-Review and Case report

gorrela subhash, Krishnamurty Kavirayani.


Inhalant abuse is the intentional inhalation of a volatile substance for the purpose of achieving an altered mental state. While many household & industrial chemicals can be inhaled, glues, paints & aerosol propellants are among the most commonly abused. We describe a case of 14 year adolescent boy abusing a popular brand of adhesive glue (Polysynthetic resin) which is available in India. A seemingly innocent substance like polysynthetic resin can become a source of abuse and dependence and hinder the physical and mental health of adolescents. Parents, teachers and physicians should be aware of the ill effects of abuse of inhalants and take all the precautions in the prevention and management and referral to psychiatrists.

Key words: Key words: Inhalant abuse, Adolescent, Polysynthetic resin.

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