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Association of vitamin D and insulin resistance in individuals with metabolic syndromeShifa K., Jithesh TK, Parvathi K Warrier, Syamili mohan, Amina K.. Abstract | | | Cited by 0 Articles | Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS), a lifestyle disease related with many biochemical alterations which prompt a person to type 2 diabetes and cardio vascular diseases (CVD). Widespread studies conceded right through the globe to come across superior diagnostic and prognostic markers of metabolic syndrome. Although studies are still going on the world over, broad studies are lacking from this area.
Aims & Objective: The present study undertaken with the objectives of correlating the vitamin D deficiency with insulin resistance (IR) of individuals having MetS.
Materials and Methods: We have evaluated the association of vitamin D and IR in patients with MetS. The IR calculated using serum levels of triglycerides (TG) and high density lipoprotein (HDL). Serum Magnesium (Mg) and Zinc (Zn) levels used as markers of glucose intolerance.
Results: From this study, it can be potted that Vitamin D deficiency found in persons with metabolic syndrome and TG/HDL found to be increased indicates an increase in IR. Serum Zn and Mg found to be decreased related to diminishing glucose tolerance.
Conclusion: These observations are in conformity with those in similar studies elsewhere. Further studies at the molecular level will help in relating the insulin resistance and alterations in vitamin D in persons with MetS.
Key words: Metabolic Syndrome (MetS); Insulin Resistance; Glucose Tolerance; Vitamin D