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RMJ. 2023; 48(3): 743-746

Assessment of elderly health promotion behavior at geriatric home

Abbas F. Moussa, Ali Hussein Ali Aljazaery, Saif Musadaq Hasan, Ali Alaa Alhashmi, Ehab Al-Din Haider saddam, Ahmed Kadhim Khashalah Al-Zurfy.


Objective: To assess of elderly health promotion behaviors at geriatric home.
Methodology: This cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out at Geriatric Home in AL-Najaf governorate from July 1, 2022 to February 1, 2023. The number of samples was 30. A questionnaire consisting of 3 procedures was used: the first part was the demographic information such as (age, gender, marital status and economic status).The second part: health promotion behaviors towards the elderly and included 5 main aspects (physical activity, psychological, food pattern, use of medicines and the provision of health services) and the third part: clinical information (type of disease, chronic diseases suffered by the elderly and whether he had surgeries).
Results: Mean age of the elderly was 69.13±6.64 years (range 57-86). The physical and psychological activity was acceptable, on the contrary, the lifestyle and the use of medicines were good, while the quest for health care was very weak.
Conclusions: Majority of the sample had good health promotion behaviors, and there was a high influence of age, socio-economic status, educational level, chronic disease, surgery, and smoking on the elderly health promotion.

Key words: Elderly, health promotion behavior, geriatric home.

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