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Medical Publication and Scientometrics – a Writing and Preparation of Research Results in Fifth Steps for Publication in Scientific Journals

Lejla Zunic.


Background: Scientific research is the only real way and method for the proliferation of true knowledge in all spheres of science, but also in academic institutions. Medical, and in a broader sense biomedical scientific research, is a process of systematic research of current and important health problems related to defined aspects of physical, mental or social well-being of the population of local, regional or global character. Objective: As the fact that today is conducted a number of scientific researches in the field of medicine, it is necessary to define the steps by which it is carried out to make it universal and to have scientific value. This paper describes the research methods, study design, the way in which one should be written, and why it is important to publicize the same. The aim of this article is to present the current tools available in scientometry for the evaluation of scientific validity of published articles and explain the purpose. Methods: Special emphasis is placed on scientometrics as the science that evaluates scientific papers and their citation in the selected sample of journals. Results and Discussion: The most important satisfaction for any scientist should be the realization that the result of research in a certain way in the future will affect at least one person to be healthier, which should be fundamental to the realization of research in practice–at universities or specialized scientific laboratories and institutes. Scientometrics analyzes scientific articles and their citation in a selected sample of scientific journals. Bibliometrics denotes quantitative research of communication processes by applying appropriate mathematical and statistical methods to books and other communication media. Bibliometric methods are used for quantitative analysis of written materials. Citation provides guidelines for scientific work, because it stimulates scientists to deal with the most current areas of research, and organizes scientific article at the world level, or shapes and directs it. Citation is influenced by: article quality, understanding of the article, language in which the article is written, loyalty to a group of researchers, article type, etc. In this article we pointed that h-Index presents one of a set of valuable measures to determine scientific excellence (bibliometrics recognize also m-value as useful). Some of the indicators used in the evaluation of scientific work are: Impact factor (IF); Citation of the article; Journal citations; Number and order of authors, etc. Impact Factor is the number of citations of articles published in the journal during the previous two years divided by the total number of articles published in the journal during the same period. Factor of influence depends on: the quality of the journal, the language on which it was printed, the area it covers, the journal distribution system. Although the h-Index is a better measure than a citation impact factor (IF), it is still based on the opinions of other authors. Conclusion: Since research in medicine can affect the improvement of clinical and public health practices, it is necessary to conduct them. Only quality research with exact results offers the scientific community new information about the examined problem, and the researcher personal satisfaction, the possibility of communicating and conducting scientific dialogue with other members of the academic community, and opening opportunities to receive critical review of those who have insight into the research.

Key words: research, method, publication, scientometrics.

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