Fluctuation in sinusoidal mains voltage is nothing but the change in magnitude of voltage, which normally exceed or goes below the steady state voltage range prescribed by some standards. This work proposes to achieve AC voltage stabilization by using feed-forward technique to apply directly the characterized mains sensor voltage which, is representative of the mains AC voltage fluctuation of 80-280V, to PIC16F877A microcontroller. The key innovation of the network is the novel ability to infer and select the triac that is connected to one of the auto-transformer tapings with an AC voltage of approximately 220V across it, as the output voltage of the stabilizer. Besides, the system also has a protective mechanism to de-select all the triacs in under/over voltage situations of 78V and 282V respectively. Comprehensive simulation and real-time results demonstrate that the proposed model achieves state-of-the-art performance on 80-280V range mains voltage fluctuations.
Key words: Ac voltage fluctuation, AC voltage stabilization, mains sensor voltage, microcontroller, auto-transformer, triac.