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Study of correlation between hand circumference and Maximum Grip Strength (MGS)

Manjunath Hemberal, Venkatesh Doreswamy, Swetha Rajkumar.

Cited by 20 Articles

Background: Testing the grip strength is a useful screening tool in managing chronic wrist pain. Normal hand grip strength is positively related to normal bone mineral density in postmenopausal women, with some researchers suggest that grip strength can be a screening tool for women at risk of osteoporosis. Grip strength is predictive of increased mortality from cardiovascular disease and from cancer in men.

Aims & Objective: The objective of this study was to establish the correlations between anthropometric data like forearm circumference, hand circumference, and Body Mass Index (BMI) with maximal grip strength (MGS) in order to establish a simple model to predict normal MGS based on anthropometric measurements.

Materials and Methods: Forty males and 40 females in the age group 17-19 years were recruited for the study. MGS was measured with a computerized Hand Dynamometer (AD Instrument, Australia). BMI, forearm circumference and hand circumference were measured. The circumference was measured by flexible measuring tape. Pearson’s correlation coefficient test was applied to evaluate the correlation.

Results: There was a positive correlation between all anthropometric data and MGS in both males and females. The hand circumference had the strongest correlation with MGS in both males and females for right hand. However, the correlation was observed only in females for the left hand.

Conclusion: Hand circumference is a good indicator to predict normal MGS than BMI and forearm circumference.

Key words: Maximal Grip Strength, Hand circumference, Forearm circumference

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