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Sokoto J. Vet. Sci.. 2023; 21(4): 8-169

Prevalence and risk factors associated with bovine tuberculosis in the southern zone of Nasarawa State, north-central Nigeria

AI Zanwa, CA Agada & II Luga.


A cross-sectional study was conducted on 500 grazing cattle under a pastoral production system in the southern zone of Nasarawa state, North-Central Nigeria to determine the prevalence and risk factors associated with bovine tuberculosis using a Single intradermal Comparative Tuberculin Test (SCITT) from April 2019 to February 2020. The total number of animals with bTB was 46 (9.2%) and the results were significantly higher in older animals between 5-6years (OR: 7.4; CI: 1.54-35.4; P=0.000) and in those animals that were ≥ 7 years (OR: 5.7; CI: 1.24-25-9; P=0.00) old and likely at risk of having more bTB. Additionally, the prevalence was significantly higher in female animals (OR:3.7; CI:1.5-8.8; p=0.003), also a significant prevalence was observed as the herd size increased from 31-80 (OR:1.95; CI:0.75-5.0; p=0.000) as well as from 81-171 (OR:5.5; CI: 2.14-14.4; p=0.000). Moreso, the prevalence was significant with the location of the animals, as areas with grazing reserves appeared to have more odds and more likely to have bTB: Awe (OR:9.6; C I:.2-4.4); Doma (OR:6.9; I:1.5-30.1; p= 0.01); Keana (OR:4.5; CI:0.96-21.6; p=0.01); Obi (OR:3.5; CI:0.7-17; p=0.01). The major risk factors for bovine tuberculosis in this study were sex, age, herd size, and location, contributing largely to the spread of bTB in the study area.

Key words: Bovine tuberculosis; Grazing reserves; Prevalence; Tuberculin test

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