In early 2020, the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic brought about stay at home and keeping away from others as much as possible to help prevent coronavirus spread. This forced the educational sector in Nigeria and the world at large to look for alternative ways of teaching other than the traditional physical classroom method, including video conference via zoom. In view of this, the purpose of this study is to review the existing literature on the effects and impact of students’ perceptions in implementation of zoom classroom on perceived usefulness, ease of use performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influency and attitude towards the use of zoom as a learning motivation. However, the results shows that there is a death of literature on the variable concern from the previous literature, exploring zoom classroom initiatives would be highly beneficial to practitioners and researchers, most of the findings revealed that zoom has positively impact on students learning motivation. Therefore, future researchers should empirically test the proposed model/framework to determine the relationship, according to the study.
Key words: perceived usefullness ease performance, zoom classroom, learning motivation