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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(3): 4564-4569

A Study Of Performance Of Employees In Manufacturing Companies

Mr. Biju Toms K, Dr. Navdep Naseer.


All training and development efforts should be directed on making the most of an organization's people capital. If a company's training and development programme isn't yielding results, it has to be terminated. When it comes to fostering growth, maintaining high performance, and keeping valuable employees in place, training and development is often overlooked or dismissed as a minor issue, and its true purpose is often misunderstood. All too often, it is viewed as a means to an end, namely the promotion of existing employees. Training and development programmes are beneficial not just to the individual workers who participate in them, but to the organisation as a whole. Improvements in employee development are frequently considered as the key to a company's sustained success. Companies in today's global market need workers who can quickly acquire new knowledge and implement changes to their methods of operation in order to maintain a competitive edge. Successful companies know that investing in their workers' professional growth is essential to retaining and growing their workforce.

Key words: Employees, Manufacturing Companies, training and development program, human resource, organizational sustainable development.

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