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RMJ. 2023; 48(4): 827-829

Hypochondriacal traits, perceived social support and healthy life style as predictors of irritable bowel syndrome in adults

Zobaria Butt, Sadia Niazi, Adnan Adil, Anam Yousaf, Saba Ghayas, Anam Khan.


Objective: To examine the psychosocial predictors i.e., hypochondriacal traits, perceived social support and healthy life style in IBS patients as compare to normal adults.

Methodology: This correlational research used survey method and included 120 young and middle adults medically diagnosed IBS and 120 normal adults as control were collected from Sargodha District, Pakistan. Self-reporting were used to measure hypochondriacal traits, perceived social support and healthy life. Psychometric properties were ensured and correlation was computed.
Results: Correlation revealed significant relationship between variables in expected directions. Hypochondriacal traits were the significant positive predictors of IBS. Perceived social support and healthy lifestyle were significantly negative predictors of IBS in adults.
Conclusion: The adults who exhibited hypochondriacal traits were more likely to suffer from IBS as compared to adults who adopted healthy life style and have perceived some social support.

Key words: Hypochondriacal traits, healthy life style, perceived social support, odd values.

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