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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(3): 4511-4517

An Attempt To Examine Antibacterial Activity Of Different Organic Solvents Extract Of Marine Seaweeds

Mr. Dnyaneshwar Salunkhe, Dr. Pushpendra Sharma.


Marine algae derivatives have showed promise as potential candidates for the development of new antibacterial drugs. There is a need for novel antibacterial medicines since drug-resistant pathogenic germs already kill countless people, necessitating the exploration of readily accessible untapped natural sources like seaweed. Seaweeds (Gracilariaverrucosa, Gracilariafoliifera, Gracilariacorticata, Gracilariacrassa, and Gracilariaedulis) were examined in this study for their ability to combat human bacterial infections (K. pneumoniae, P. aeruginosa, E. aerogenes, S. typhi and S. aureus). By using agar cut well diffusion techniques, the bactericidal activity of several extracts (Acetone, Benzene, Butanol, Chloroform, Ethanol, Ethyl Acetate, Hexane, Isoamyl Alcohol, Methanol, and Propanol) was assessed. All of the Gracilaria species under study exhibited antibacterial activity.

Key words: Algae, Pathogenic, Seaweeds, Antibacterial, Gracilaria

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