Taxanes are a relatively newer class of anticancer drugs that are being extensively used in the management of various gynecological malignancies, breast cancer, lung cancer and head and neck cancers in India as well as across the world. Despite its widespread use, not many studies have been conducted to evaluate the various adverse drug reactions encountered with Taxanes in actual practice.
To study the adverse drug reaction profile of Taxanes and to compare the adverse drug reactions of Paclitaxel and Docetaxel.
A prospective observational study of the patients being treated with taxanes for breast, lung, head & neck and gynecological malignancies in the Radiotherapy OPD. Details regarding the ADR was collected via questionnaire filled by direct interview with the patients.
Neutropenia was the most frequent adverse drug reaction observed with Taxanes (both Paclitaxel and Docetaxel) based therapy accounting for 57% of all ADRs. Glove and stocking peripheral neuropathy was observed the most with Paclitaxel based chemotherapy (70%) while neutropenia was the most frequent ADR associated with Docetaxel based therapy (57%).
Neutropenia was the most common ADR observed with taxanes altogether and also with Docetaxel based chemotherapy while peripheral neuropathy was the most frequent with Paclitaxel based regimen.
Key words: Cancer, Taxanes, Paclitaxel, Docetaxel, ADRs