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Review Article

Information Systems in Dentistry

Fedja Masic.


Introduction: Almost the entire human creativity today, from the standpoint of its efficiency and expediency, is conditioned with the existence of information systems. Most information systems are oriented to the management and decision-making, including health information system. System of health and health insurance together form one of the most important segments of society and its functioning as a compact unit. Increasing requirements for reducing health care costs while preserving or improving the quality of services provided represent a difficult task for the health system. Material and methods: Using descriptive metods by retreiiving literature we analyzed the latest solutions in information and telecommunications technology is the basis for building an effective and efficient health system. Computerization does not have the primary objective of saving, but the rationalization of spending in health care. It is estimated that at least 20-30% of money spent in health care can be rationally utilized. Computerization should give the necessary data and indicators for this rationalization. Very important are the goals of this project and the achievement of other uses and benefits, improving overall care for patients and policyholders, increasing the speed and accuracy of diagnosis in determining treatment using electronic diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines. Results and discussion: Computerization in dentistry began similarly as in other human activities–recording large amounts of data on digital media, and by replacing manual data processing to machine one. But specifics of the dental profession have led to the specifics of the application of information technology (IT), and continue to require special development of dental oriented and applied IT. Harmonization of dental software with global standards will enable doctors and dentists to with a few mouse clicks via the internet reach the general medical information about their patients from the central national health database. Standardization will also allow access to general medical and dental history data on citizens of foreign countries who seek help of doctors or dentists during their vacation. Such a method of using IT will provide a higher level of health services and better health care. Also, the identification procedures in mass disasters availability of data can contribute to accelerate the identification of victims.Dental information systems lately are based on Web applications to facilitate data exchange. Electronic patient record contains basic information and entering of this data is automatically created the protocol of patients that can be printed.Besides these general data Electronic patient record also contains history data related to allergies and other diseases which existence can significantly affect the treatment, data on current diagnosis, location of a pathological process in the tooth refers to the following location (mesial, distal, vestibular, oral, occlusal),

Key words: Information systems, dentistry, HL7 standard.

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