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Research Article

Agronomic Performance of Some White Hybrid Maize Evaluated in Savanna Agroecologies

A. D. Adewumi, M. S. Oladipo, P. C. Ukachukwu and O. A. Aluko.

Cited by 1 Articles

Agronomic performance of crops varies with changes in environmental conditions and the micro-climate of the environment. In consideration of this, the objective of this study was to investigate the adaptability and agronomic performance of fourteen (14) white hybrid maize in the agroecologies and to identify the high-yielding maize hybrids. The experiment was conducted in Ibadan and Kishi during the 2020 and 2021 cropping seasons and laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three (3) replications. Grain yield and plant height (0.26) were positively and significantly correlated which indicates that an increase in plant height can result in a significant increase in grain yield. Ibadan 2020 combines the best mean result for the number of days to anthesis (50 days), number of days to silking (54 days), and grain yield (4.92 t ha-1 ). Kishi 2020 had better performance for the plant aspect (1.62) while Ibadan 2021 had the best mean performance for the anthesis-silking interval (3 days), plant height (170.58 cm), ear height (87.09 cm) and ear aspect (1.83). Hybrids TZEI 7 X ART98-SR-W, TZEI 7 X TZECOMP5-W, TZE1 188 X BR9943DMRSRW, and TZEI I88 X ILE-1-OB-W were most promising and may be considered for use and test in a wider range of environments

Key words: Hybrid maize, maize yield, coefficient of variation, correlation, agroecology

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