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Review Article

crjmed. 2023; 2(1): 24-30

Application of Temporary Anchorage Devices in Orthodontics: A Literature Review

Joseph N. Otaren, Idia N. Ize-Iyamu.


Anchorage control is one of the most essential keys for success in clinical orthodontics. Anchorage loss is a primary concern associated with orthodontic procedures. Numerous devices have been proposed and used for over a century to get the appropriate anchorage. Extraoral anchorages such as headgears or facemasks are the most effective tools but are limited because their effectiveness depends on patient compliance. Using skeletal anchorage, such as Temporary Anchorage Devices (TADs), to retract anterior maxillary teeth is an old technique developed in 1945. Despite their small diameter and short length, TADs can provide stable anchorage for multiple tooth movements, including intrusion, retraction, and protraction. This article examined the various applications of temporary anchorage devices (TADs) in clinical orthodontics. The risk factors and complications of TADs application in clinical orthodontics were identified. As the younger generations of orthodontists enter practice and the academic arenas, TADs use will continue to increase if trends continue as they have in the past several years.

Key words: Orthodontics, Dental Care, Tooth Movement Techniques

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