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Research Article

Prevalence and Management of Post-Extraction Complications

*Muad Assiry, Mohammed Aloqbi, Hassan Albrahim, Abdulaziz Alnabulsi, Hala M Abdel-Alim, Maisa O. Al-Sebaei3 Mohammed Y. Al-Ghamdi, Lojain Bassyoni.


Introduction: Simple tooth extraction is one of the most common procedures performed by general dentists and Oral and
Maxillofacial surgeons throughout daily practice. However, although it is a simple procedure, tooth-related complications
could occur at any time. These complications are categorized into immediate and delayed complications.
Immediate complications are due to either tooth-related or dentist-related factors and require prompt actions and
immediate management. Tooth-related factors depend on tooth morphology and tooth structure conditions. Dentist-related factors depend on the proper selection and application of the instruments. On the other hand, delayed
complications might occur after two days or more following the extraction.
Objective: To evaluate the prevalence, prediction of risk factors complications, prevention and management of possible
immediate and delayed post-extraction complications occurring in our Oral Surgery clinics at King Abdulaziz University
Dental Hospital.
Method: An observation and assessment of the extraction procedure, data collected via validated survey were used
to gather the following: Demographic data, medical history, cause of extraction, number of tooth/teeth extracted,
complications if any, and who did the procedure. For each patient who underwent dental extraction, a survey was filled
out, by a doctor other than the operator and the procedure was assessed under observation to record any complications
that occurred during the procedure and assess the undertaken management in such a case without intervention. Data was
analyzed using Chi-square test through SPSS.
Result: We observed 172 extraction procedures with 160 different patients, 12 had extraction more than once. A total
350 teeth were extracted from 160 patients, we observed 92 complications (53.4%) between immediate and delayed,
7 patients had both, the most common immediate complication was soft tissue injury with (81.7%) 67/82, and for the
delayed complications the most common was dry socket (64.7%) 11/17 patients.
Conclusion: In conclusion, we found a significant association between the number of post-operative complications, their
management, and the experience of the operator

Key words: Tooth extraction and complications, postextraction complications and level of dentist experience, immediate vs delayed postextraction complication.

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