Introduction and Objective: Employment is indispensible for humans. There is a two-way interaction between the employee’s health and his working environment. Health affects working life and working life, too, affects health. Our study has been carried out in a descriptive manner, in order to determine the workplace conditions, satisfaction rates and training needs of workers at a textile factory in the Southeastern Region of Turkey,
Material and Method: This study was carried out at a textile factory in the Southeastern Region of Turkey, on 200 workers who were willing to fill out a questionnaire form, between 1st March 2009 and 30th April 2009. Data were gathered by vis-a-vis meeting with workers, using a questionnaire form devised by researchers rewieving related literature. A special permission from the management of the factory and worker’s consent was obtained before initiating the study. Data were analyzed on computer using percentage, arithmetic mean and Chi-Square features of SPSS13.0 programme.
Findings: The average age of the workers participating in this study was 26,8 (Min 17-Max50). 72,5% were men, 63,0% were married, 61,0% were primary school graduates. It was found that: 95,0% of the workers underwent a through medical examination when they were first recruited. 88,0% easily reached the medical doctor at the factory whenever they needed.out of them, 17,0% did not receive training of any kind from the workplace and 91,5% stated that they needed training. As for the adequecy of the facilities offered at work place, 92,2% stated that lighting, 78,0% stated that social security and 70,0% stated that transportation was satisfactory.
Conclusion: The majority of the workers stated that they needed training and found the facilities offered by their workplace as satisfactory and adequate. It was found that there was a significant difference between the sex and training needs of the employees (p
Key words: Employee, Training, Satisfaction Article Language: Turkish English