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Case Report

IJMDC. 2023; 7(8): 1164-1166

A case report of cardiac tamponade as a result of pericardial damage from chest compression

Qais Alhamdan, Hezam Shalan Hezam Alshahrani, Ayman Dhaifallah A. Alamri, Saud Khshaim S. Alsaadi, Abdullah Mohammed A. Khushayl, Fahad Ali Ahmed Alzahrani.


Background: It is well-recognized that manual chest compression could cause a number of internal injuries, many of which are fatal. Similar to this, many type A acute aortic dissection (AAD) patients who develop cardiac tamponade die before reaching the hospital. This study presented a case in which pericardial laceration brought on by chest compressions has unintentionally caused cardiac tamponade by AAD.
Case Presentation: A 65-year-old woman with a history of systemic hypertension was presented who fainted shortly after complaining of terrible epigastric discomfort. Paramedics started manual chest compressions on the patient, as soon as they realized they were dealing with a cardiopulmonary arrest. The pericardial laceration brought on by chest compressions might have unintentionally freed cardiac tamponade caused by AAD, perhaps sparing the patient’s life. During surgery, a hemothorax and pericardial laceration connected to the left pleural space were found, but no heart injury was seen. There were no indications of the ruptured aortic aneurysm or any intra-thoracic injuries that would have caused the hemothorax. Hemiarch replacement was successfully accomplished, but the patient died from multi-organ failure 31 days after the operation.
Conclusion: An instance of non-fractured pericardial injury caused by chest compression was presented. The pericardial laceration, which also afforded the patient enough time for surgery, have accidentally eased the hemothorax brought on by the AAD.

Key words: Cardiac tamponade, pericardial damage, chest compression, acute aortic dissection, case report

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