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RMJ. 2022; 47(3): 581-584

Relationship between blood hemoglobin level and depression in post hysterectomy women

Ambreen Fatima, Nadia Ahmed Bokhari, Wardah Ajaz Qazi, Saira Jahan, Nazish Shifa, Rubina Jabeen.


Objective: To determine the relation of serum hemoglobin level with depression in patients undergoing hysterectomy.
Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted at Fauji Foundation Hospital, Rawalpindi from January to July 2021 among women with age of 40 to 60 years underwent hysterectomy for more than a year. A total of 120 women were included. Serum hemoglobin levels was accessed from hospital database and severity of anemia were analyzed. BDI was used for depression analysis. Relationship between the variables was done using Pearson correlation, taking p≤ 0.05 as statistically significant.
Results: The mean depression score of BDI was 13.5 (SD=9.3), ranging from 1 to 30. Mean serum hemoglobin levels were 9.37 g/dl. There was a statistically significant association found between anemia and depression (p=0.04). Pearson's Correlation ‘r' between serum hemoglobin level and depression showed a weak correlation between these two variables i.e., 0.368 with a p=0.04.
Conclusion: Low level of serum hemoglobin is significantly associated with depression in hysterectomy patients.

Key words: Anemia, depression, hemoglobin, hysterectomy.

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