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A comparative study on incidence of surgical site infections in elective abdominal surgeries with and without antibiotic prophylaxis

Rabinarayan Guru, Tapan Kumar Nayak, Shwetha Suresh.


Background: Surgical site infection (SSI) is one of the most common nosocomial infection encountered in post-operative surgical ward. It has become a significant problem for surgeons and results in increased antibiotic usage, associated costs, and prolonged hospital stay. The antibiotic era revolutionized the treatment of surgical infection, but the wide spread use of antibiotics has frequently resulted in over dependence and emergence of resistant strains.

Aims and Objectives: The aim of the study was to determine the incidence of SSI in elective abdominal surgeries with and without antibiotic prophylaxis.

Materials and Methods: The materials for this study on clean and clean contaminated surgeries were collected from 200 cases admitted for elective surgeries in department of general, VIMSAR, Burla, who were divided into groups of 100 each; Group A was given prophylactic antibiotic and Group B was not given prophylactic antibiotic. They were followed up for any signs and symptoms of wound infection and if present treated accordingly.

Results: Out of 100 patients in Group A, 57 were clean surgeries and 43 were clean contaminated surgeries and none developed SSI. In group B who were not given prophylactic antibiotic, 10 patients developed SSI, four clean surgeries, and six clean contaminated surgeries. The patients in Group B who had more than one risk factor had increased incidence rate for SSI.

Conclusion: For clean surgeries and clean contaminated surgeries, prophylactic antibiotic administration is recommended as there is statistical significance. Meticulous surgical techniques and proper patient preparation before surgery helps to reduce the incidence of SSI.

Key words: Surgical Site Infection; Antibiotics; Prophylaxis; Abdominal Surgeries

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