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Case Report

BMB. 2023; 8(2): 194-197


Nur AYCAN, Eyyüp Yürektürk, Ali Ateş, Kemal Ayengin, Emel Nadya Toplar, Serap Karaman, Oğuz Tuncer.


Umbilical anomalies are seen quite frequently in the neonatal period. Knowing the embryological development steps and anatomy is essential for accurate diagnosis and treatment in cases with umbilical pathology. A rare type of these anomalies is the patent omphalomesenteric duct, which can be diagnosed on the first day of life. It was observed that a term male newborn was hospitalized in our unit due to transient tachypnea of the newborn having umbilical yellow-green colored, foamy fecaloid drainage. The umbilical cord had a tissue compatible with cherry-colored mucosa. Following the examinations, the diagnosis of the patent omphalomesenteric duct was operated on and discharged with complete recovery. We wanted to report a rare neonatal omphalomesenteric duct anomaly among umbilical anomalies.

Key words: omphalomesenteric duct, neonate, congenital anomaly

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