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J App Pharm Sci. 2023; 13(10): 23-244

A green chemistry approach to establish a conductometric technique for quantifying Metformin HCl in pharmaceutical samples and its greenness assessment using an analytical greenness metric calculator

Shailendra S. Suryawanshi, Mahesh S. Palled.

Cited by 0 Articles

Green analytical chemistry focuses on making analytical processes safer and more environment friendly for the analyst. The primary goals of the proposed research are to develop and validate a conductometric method with green chemistry assistance for the estimation of Metformin HCl (MET), as well as to assess the method’s level of greenness using the AGREE-analytical greenness measure tool. The conductometric method for quantification of MET was developed in two steps. Step 1: Preparation of working standard solutions of MET and Step 2: Estimation of electrical conductivity of working standard solutions of MET. During the development, various dilutions of MET were prepared in Millipore water (MW) ranging from 50 to 250 μg/ml. The prepared solutions were subjected to the measurement of electrical conductivity using the conductometer ELICO CM 183EC-TDS analyzer version 2.3 instrument. The created approach was authenticated to regulate its routine capabilities in accordance with the most recent International Council for Harmonisation guidelines for regulatory recommendations. With an r2 value of 0.999, MET demonstrated linearity concerning amount ranges from 50 to 250 μg/ml. Less than 2% RSD was observed for each set of validation parameters, which was substantially within acceptable limits. The observed recovery levels ranged from 99% to 100%. According to the AGREE metric tool calculation, the suggested method was deemed to be greener and more suitable for analyzing MET in pharmaceutical samples. The proposed research found to show advantages over reported methods in terms of usage of solvents, cost, and time of analysis. The method suggests the usage of MW as a cheap solvent, only simple dilutions and measuring the conductance of the analyte solution makes the method less time-consuming.

Key words: Metformin HCl, Conductometric Method, Green Chemistry, Validation, Pharmaceuticals.

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