OBJECTIVE: Atrioventricular (AV) delay optimization improves hemodynamics and clinical parameters of patients treated with dual-chamber (DDD) pacemakers. Pulse wave velocity (PWV) is an index of arterial stiffness and a marker of cardiovascular events. Increased levels of PWV is an indicator of diffuse atherosclerosis and rigid arteries. We aimed to investigate the impact of differential AV delay intervals (100, 150 and 200 ms respectively) on arterial distensibility measured by carotid – femoral PWV in patients with DDD pacing.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 40 patients with DDD pacing were enrolled in our prospective study. PWV was measured for each AV delay (100 ms,150 ms and 200 ms respectively) with 10 minute resting intervals. Pacing was programmed at least 10 beats/minute above the resting heart rate. PWV was automatically calculated by using the device, Complior Colson (France), which allows online pulse wave recording according to this formula: PWV(m/s) = distance (meter) / transit time (second).
RESULTS: There was a statistically obvious positive correlation between carotid - femoral PWV and prolongation of AV delay interval (p
Key words: atrioventricular delay interval, dual-chamber pacemaker, pulse wave velocity