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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 8489-8495

A Study To Develop Awareness Of Media And Its Effectiveness Among Society In West Bengal

Sudeshna Mitra, Dr. Sathi Roy Mondal.


Culture encompasses any conceivable set of beliefs and ideals, even those that may shift and resurface in relation to the core principles maintained by various communities. Likewise, the overall dynamics of modern society and the ways in which they are changing have a significant impact on cultural formation and maintenance. With the rise of the internet and mobile devices, culture too has been instrumented and digitized. The study's overarching purpose is to assess the influence of the media. The media's function and influence are the primary foci of this investigation. This investigation will contribute to our understanding of how the public receives and processes news about significant events and topics. Three hundred persons in West Bengal were surveyed. Researchers planned up a schedule of interviews for data collecting by thinking about the function and characteristics of media in raising people's consciousness. Convenience samples were used in the study. The media habits and patterns of use are the primary foci of the study.

Key words: Culture, Democracy, Society, Effectiveness, Social

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