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Knowledge, attitude, and practice of prescription writing among interns in a medical college

Nivethitha T, Vijayarangan S, Sai Thaejesvi G.


Background: The NMC introduced new prescription guidelines in 2016. However, there still exists a lacuna in implementing these guidelines in practice. Interns are the future doctors, hence awareness about proper prescription practices becomes essential.

Aim and Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the awareness of the interns about the recent guidelines, to detect common prescription errors, and to analyze whether a difference exists between male and female interns in the domains of knowledge, attitude, and practice of prescription writing.

Materials and Methods: An analytical cross-sectional study was conducted among 150 interns for 3 months at a medical college, after obtaining ethical clearance and informed written consent. Individuals unwilling to give informed consent were excluded. A pretested, structured questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge and attitude. Then, the interns were asked to prescribe for a common disease. The domains were scored according to a suitable grading system.

Results: A total of 150 interns were enrolled (90 females and 60 females). The mean age was 23 ± 0.5 years. The mean knowledge score (2.7 ± 0.83), attitude score (4 ± 1.94), and practice score were (5.75 ± 1.5). The mean scores of the male interns were higher than the female interns in all the three domains (knowledge - 1.95±0.87 vs 0.75±0.35, attitude 3.1±1.1 vs 1.3 ±1.25, and practice 6±1.73 vs 5±0 respectively). 25% (n = 38) wrote patient and doctor details, 50% (n = 75) wrote generic names, and the prescription was signed and sealed by 25% (n = 38).

Conclusion: Thus, the medical interns need to be sensitized to the new prescribing guidelines and to use generic names while prescribing.

Key words: Prescription Writing; Interns; NMC Guidelines

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