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Research Article

Open Vet J. 2023; 13(5): 654-662

High prevalence of liver fluke infestation, Fasciola gigantica, among slaughtered cattle in Boyolali District, Central Java

Dimas Ariyanto Prasetyo, Andini Nurlaelasari, Aisyah Retno Wulandari, Muhammad Cahyadi, April Hari Wardhana, Heri Kurnianto, Wahyu Kurniawan, Yuli Purwandari Kristianingrum, Tamara Muñoz-Caro, Penny Humaidah Hamid.

Cited by 0 Articles

Fasciolosis is a foodborne disease caused by Fasciola sp. infecting ruminants, especially cattle. Fasciolosis remains a significant concern for Veterinary Public Health because of its zoonosis risk and transmission mode.
This study aimed to determine the prevalence and risk factors associated with Fasciola gigantica infestation in cattle at Ampel abbatoir, Central Java, Indonesia.
A cross-sectional study was performed on 585 cattle from February to August 2022. Visual observation postmortem was used to assess Fasciola infection based on adult flukes in liver parenchyma and ductuli biliferi.
The overall prevalence of fasciolosis in Ampel abbatoir is high, reaching 25.12% (147/585). The highest prevalence was observed in the Ongole breed, 42.1% (24/57), female cattle, 38.72% (115/297), body condition score criteria of 2 50% (21/42), cattle aged >3.5 years 46.06% (82/178), and cattle originated from outside of Boyolali district 33.33% (71/213).
This study showed a high prevalence of fasciolosis in Ampel abbatoir, as shown in the correlation between the risk factors of breed, sex, BSC, origin, and age. Because of the high prevalence of fasciolosis in the abattoirs, it is essential to continue performing epidemiology studies in more expansive areas. The subsequent plans are important to reduce the risk of fasciolosis as a threat to productive cattle husbandry and warrant its transmission to humans as a foodborne-zoonotic disease.

Key words: Cattle, Foodborne disease, F. gigantica, Prevalence, Risk factor

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