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J App Pharm Sci. 2023; 13(10): 157-171

Determination of aromatic profiles of coffee beans according to different roasting times by SPME/GC-MS analysis

Woosung Choe, Jong Ho Woo, Minji Hong, Hyejeong Jang, Ponnuvel Deepa, Songmun Kim.

Cited by 0 Articles

Coffee is the most widely consumed beverage around the globe. The flavor and fragrance of coffee are directly associated with its volatile compositions. This research aimed to determine the effect of roasting times on the aromatic compositions of coffee beans. For this purpose, Brazilian, Ethiopian, Colombia Supremo, Ethiopia 210, and Indonesia Mandheling coffee beans were purchased in South Korea. To determine the adequate roasting time for Brazilian and Ethiopian coffee varieties, coffee beans were roasted at 210°C with different time durations such as 11, 12, 13, and 14 minutes, and the remaining coffee cultivars were roasted at 210°C for 13 minutes. The color parameters and the aromatic composition of roasted coffee beans were determined. The SPME/GC-MS analyses revealed the identification of 234 aromatic components from the eight coffee beans of Brazilian and Ethiopian varieties based on different roasting times. 2-Furanmethanol was a predominant component in all the roasted coffee beans (13.65%– 19.30%). The amount of pyridine and 2-furanmethanol, acetate was markedly decreased when increasing roasting times from 11 to 14 minutes in both coffee beans. In contrast, the concentration of 5-methyl-2-furancarboxaldehyde was increased when increasing roasting time. The results indicated that the aromatic profiles of these coffee beans varied both qualitatively and quantitatively according to different roasting times. The data of this study may be used as a standard to identify better aroma quality of different coffee bean varieties.

Key words: Coffee, Aroma, solid phase micro-extraction, Coffea arabica, roasting time,

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