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RMJ. 2023; 48(2): 382-385

Effect of bubble CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) on a newborn presenting with respiratory distress

Arti Ahuja, Saifullah Jamro, Dili Jan Mugheri, Vijia Gemnani, Raheel Ahmed Shaikh, Faisal Saifullah Jamro.


Objective: To evaluate the outcome of bubble CPAP (continuous positive pressure) on newborns presenting with respiratory distress at our children's hospital.
Methodology: This descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out at the neonatology ward of Chandka Medical College Children Hospital, SMBBMU, Larkana from December 2020 to June 2021. A total of 87 neonates presenting with respiratory distress were enrolled. Humidified O2 at 6–10 liters was administered via bi nasal prongs, and the pressure circuit was maintained by immersing the distal end of the expiratory tube in water. CPAP was applied for 72 hours and temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, O2 saturation every 3 hours were monitored and nasal suction done as needed. If the patient improved and met the weaning criteria within 72 hours, then the CPAP was labeled as therapeutically successful.
Results: Of a total of 87 neonates, there were 45 (51.7%) males, and 64 (73.6%) were aged less than 14 days. Overall, the mean birth weight was 1948±425 grams, while the majority of the neonates 33 (37.9%) weighed between 1500 to 2000 grams. Nasal flaring was seen in all 87 (100%) neonates, while SPO2 saturation

Key words: Respiratory distress, continuous positive airway pressure, apnea, and non-invasive.

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