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Original Research

. 2023; 79(1): 76-99

Are You Communicating Empathy (In)Effectively? An Evaluation of Empathic Expressions in Responses to Negative and Positive Events

Tara Suwinyattichaiporn,Laura Guerrero,Mark Generous.


Empathic expressions refer to various ways in which one communicates empathy. This includes verbal and nonverbal expressions of empathy in responses to positive and negative events. The present study provides an evaluation of empathic expressions in the context of friendship in order to find out which empathic expression(s) are considered the most person-centered and rated the highest quality. Based on the analyses, “emotional reactivity” as an empathic expression is rated as the best in response to a disclosure of a negative event, and “experience sharing” is perceived as the most person-centered and caring in response to a disclosure of a positive event. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed in this paper.

Key words: empathic communication, empathy, social support

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