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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 8054-8063

Impact Of Green Human Resource Management (G-Hrm) On Business Sustainability

Dr. Rajni.


Green human resource management (GHRM) plays a critical role in the establishment of eco-friendly standards and procedures within firms, which ultimately improves corporate sustainability performance. In order to transform firms into sustainable organisations, green human resource management (GHRM) techniques and dynamic sustainable skills are important elements. However, there isn't much evidence to support the success of several GHRM techniques, such as green pay and incentive, green recruiting and selection, and sustainable capabilities like monitoring and re-configuration, in improving corporate environmental and social performance. There is evidence that GHRM and dynamic sustainable capabilities have a significant, positive impact on businesses' sustainability performance.
GHRM includes all actions taken to support an organization's environmental management agenda, including recruiting and hiring of human resources, on boarding them, training them, managing their performance, learning and development, and managing their remuneration and rewards. Businesses can help advance environmental challenges by adopting and using Green HRM policies and practises. Green HRM can boost a business's reputation and brand. It significantly contributes to increasing workers' understanding of and concern for the preservation of natural resources, as well as to lowering pollution, controlling waste, and developing eco-friendly products. In order to accomplish its objectives of social fairness and ecological conservation, the study advises management to give top priority to hiring environmentally conscious personnel and acquiring monitoring capabilities. The study outlines the function of green human resource processes in going green and focuses on the GHRM, various green human resource practises, sustainability, and their connection to and importance in today's reality.

Key words: Green HRM, Sustainable Business, Environment-Friendly Practices, Green Initiatives.

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