The primary objective of this investigation is to find out the scientific attitude of secondary school teachers of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh. The study is descriptive- survey in nature. The method of stratified random sampling was used to select a sample size of 600 secondary school teachers, with 300 teachers from each UT. The data was collected from different secondary school teachers by using Scientific Attitude scale (2006) standardized and developed by Shailaja Bhagwat. The data was examined with the help of percentage, mean, S.D. and t-test. The results of the research study showed that 3.66% of Jammu & Kashmir and 2.33% of Ladakhi secondary school teachers have very high scientific attitude. 11.00% of secondary school teachers of Jammu & Kashmir and 7.00% of Ladakhi secondary school teachers were found to have a high scientific attitude. The data further revealed that majority i.e., 63.00% of secondary school teachers in Jammu & Kashmir and 64.33% of secondary school teachers in Ladakh were found to have a moderate scientific attitude. 21.00% of Jammu & Kashmir secondary school teachers and 24.66% of Ladakh secondary school teachers was discovered to have a low level of scientific attitude. A small chunk i.e., 1.33% in Jammu & Kashmir and 1.66% in Ladakhi secondary school teachers was found to have a very low scientific attitude. A significant mean difference was also found between the two groups.
Key words: Scientific Attitude, Secondary School Teachers, Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh.