Childhood Blindness, one of the leading causes of blindness holds neglected refractive errors as the major source of visual impairment. A few signs that a youngster is adjusting to poor vision include holding the book close to the face, squeezing the eyes, or just avoiding tasks that require visual attention. The existence of any of these comorbidities not only impacts a child's learning abilities, but also impact on school adjustment and overall personality development . Uncorrected refractive errors significantly contribute to preventable vision impairment, especially in developing countries. Ocular diseases are affected by various parameters like weight, height and body mass index. This study aimed to observe the relationship between ocular morbidities and BMI of children. It also studied the risks that socioeconomic factors pose in development of such diseases.
Key words: Ocular Morbidities, Childhood Blindness, BMI, Visual acuity