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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(2): 3626-3634

Study Of Factors Determining Level Of Financial Literacy And Its Management Amongst Investors In Ahmedabad

Avanti Hareshbhai Shah, Dr. Jaimin K. Patel.


Financial Literacy has become a priority area across the world in recent years. In a complex and globalized marketplace, a myriad of products is offered in the financial market, and the accessibility of products has also increased. This has made it imperative for individuals to be well equipped with the necessary financial knowledge and awareness to use their financial resources in an optimum way. The study examines the financial literacy of the people by using a questionnaire developed by self-validated scales of determinants of financial literacy. The major findings of the data interpretation and analysis reveals that there are major six determinants that has very strong influence on level of financial literacy. The present study offers the first ever comprehensive insight into the financial literacy of the Ahmedabad region

Key words: Financial Attitude, Financial Behaviour, Financial Knowledge, Financial, Literacy, Financial Planning.

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