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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(2): 2001-2012

Analyzing The Awareness Level Of Digital Marketing Promotion – A Study With Reference To Webboombaa Pvt Ltd

Dr. K Soundarapandiyan, Dr. Balasundaram Nimalathasan, AISWARYA T R.


The phenomenon of digital marketing becomes a promising opportunity for the marketers, especially in husbandry sectors. The marketers used to promote their product through conventional way by selling directly to the prospective buyers. Yet, Webboombaa Digital Marketing Company as the startup company in tries to change its marketing strategy from conventional into modern one by using digital marketing as its promotion media. A modern company takes technology factor as the primary change factor in the changing of landscape marketing. From the elaboration above, this research is aimed at knowing the extent of digital marketing in brand awareness of Webboombaa Digital Marketing Company. Quantitative method questionnaire is used in this study. Technique of data collection used in this research is interview and observation. The result of this research shows that the implementation of digital marketing conducted by Webboombaa Digital Marketing Company is using youtube, facebook, and website. The conclusion obtained from the research is that the use of digital marketing is effective and efficient for the company in reaching the consumers and increase brand awareness of the product proposed by the company.

Key words: Digital Marketing, Social media, E-Marketing, Online Marketing

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