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Case Report

BMB. 2018; 3(3): 41-44

A Very Rare Complication of Familial Mediterranean Fever: Bone marrow edema and pseudocyst

Abuzer Coşkun,Şevki Hakan Eren,Mehmet Eren,Sedat Özbay.


The most frequent autoinflammatory disease is Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF). It is inherited as autosomal recessive in the short arm of the sixteenth chromosome (MEFV gene). FMF is a disease with the symptoms of recurrent fever, polyserositis that is transient, self limiting and responding well to colchicine treatment. In general, 90% starts before 20 years old. It is rare to appear after 40 years of age (1.25%). The first attack in 95% of the patients is abdominal pain. The frequency of the first attack that starts with pleuritic chest pain, pleural effusion is under 10%. The purpose of submitting this case is to draw attention to the difficulties in diagnosing FMF disease, in that even now more than 5% of the existing FMF patients are diagnosed and started to be treated.

Key words: Familial Mediterranean Fever, bone marrow edema, pseudocyst

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