This study evaluates the process of Freight forwarding and custom clearance in the organization, which widely focuses on identifying the factors affecting freight forwarding and custom clearance process so that the solution for the problem can encounter the remedies and hence helps the company to improve the process of freight forwarding and custom clearance. In introduction a overview is given about the terms freight forwarding, freight forwarders, custom clearance and custom clearance agents. Then the overall objectives is followed and the factors are identified and also the solution are given in the findings and suggestions. The research methodology follows the stratified sampling method under probability sampling technique. The sample size of the study was 90 respondents, primary data was collected through questionnaire. The Analysis involves percentage analysis under the descriptive and the inferential analysis involves the statistical tools such as chi-square, ANOVA-one way. The findings for the study are given separately for each of the statistical tools such as first one for the percentage analysis followed by the chi-square method, ANOVA-one way and the findings are based on the interpretation inferred using the SPSS software. The suggestions are provided by enclosing the overall improvement for the company and hence the study is concluded that if the company tries to follow the given recommendations and suggestions the company can improve the process of freight forwarding and custom clearance in the future.
Key words: Freight forwarding, Custom clearance, Factors affecting