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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(2): 1752-1760


Dr. R. Ranjana, Dr. T. Subha, Pranav Sreevatz, Raghav. S.


India being an agricultural country is still using traditional ways of agriculture. The system can be used by face difficulties in earning their daily wages. Thus the need for proper and steady incomes on web. Even though modern technology has evolved in the farming sector, farmers for farmers can be accomplished by this project. Among hundreds of their product range, fresh vegetables are basic commodity and essential product. Fresh vegetable is very complex due to the involvement of multiple parties. At present, a large number of people are associated with handling of vegetable products. The different location of farmers will be shown and the consumers can choose the given vegetables, fruits and crops. It helps the farmer to store and update all types of fresh veggies etc and the user can get knowledge about those fresh veggies. The consumers can track input usage quantities, costs for every product. All these changes supposedly optimize the cost and increase efficiency of managing for both farmers and the consumers.

Key words: agriculture

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