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Frequency of Dental Anomalies in Children with Primary and Mix Dentition: A Retrospective Radiographic Study

Gokhan Ozkan, Gulcan Sahin, Ayse Nur Dundar, Gulcin Kilci.

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Aim: To determine the dental anomaly frequency in a Turkish subpopulation using panoramic radiographs. Methods: A total of 1068 panoramic radiographs were recruited in the study. Dental anomalies were evaluated and recorded in terms of number, size, shape, and structure in children aged from 2 to 14 years. Age, gender, and early loss of permanent first molar teeth of the patients were also recorded. Results: Of 1068 radiographs, 465 belonged to the female patient and 603 to the male patient. The most common dental anomalies in this study were missing teeth (4.8%), impacted teeth (1.3%), and infraocclusion (0.7%), respectively. Conclusions: Dental anomalies are prevalent in society. The occurrence of dental anomalies in both primary and permanent teeth indicates that the importance of early diagnosis to prevent further problems. Early diagnosis and an appropriate treatment approach can prevent temporomandibular joint problems, difficulties in speech and mastication, malocclusion, aesthetic and periodontal problems of the patients.

Key words: Children, dental anomalies, panoramic radiography

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