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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(2): 1566-1582

Universities And Social Transformation: Using Students’ Potential For Societal Development In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa And Gilgit Baltistan

Asaf Niwaz, Kifayat Khan, Sadaf Naz.


This research was designed to examine the ways through which university students in Faculty of Social sciences are trained for playing their potential role in societal development. Only 08public sector universities seven from KP and one from GB were included. Initially, faculty members of teaching departments were consulted and then students of undergraduate programs were approached. It was a narrative biographical inquiry data and it was analyzed through thematic analysis technique. The data revealed that there was no specific training of university graduate about the services they may render for societal development. It was recommended that the faculty may build the capacity and increase motivation of graduates to extend their expertise for development/progress of theirresidential societies.

Key words: universities, graduates, faculty members, social sciences, social transformation

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