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Case Report

Dusunen Adam. 2012; 25(4): 388-389

Venlafaxine-induced restless legs syndrome

Aysel Milanlıoğlu.


Restless legs syndrome is a movement disorder characterized by complaints of a strong urge to move the legs predominantly during the periods of rest or inactivity. It is observed as a side effect related to the administration of antidepressants in 9% of patients.
A case reporting restless legs syndrome symptoms associated with venlafaxine 75 mg/day is decribed. The patient was a 44-year-old woman affected by chronic migraine headaches with depressive symptoms. Her symptoms had began during a course of venlafaxine and resolved with its discontinuation.
Based on this report, venlafaxine should be added to the list of agents that can induce restless legs syndrome.

Key words: Antidepressants, restless legs syndrome, venlafaxine, serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors

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